Monday, August 25, 2008

Into my second week of school now and wow - so much reading...and just a lot work. I am at times incredibly excited and amazingly overwhelmed. And I can't quite shake the feeling that I am in way over my head on this one. Kind of a weird feeling since I am really good at the school thing - it's my bag - and yet, here I am worrying about if I am good enough to make it through this pretty intense program. It's a lot of classes in a pretty short amount of time and I am not really sure what my thesis topic will be and it seems like we already need to have a really good idea of what we want to study.

*Sigh* Anyone else feel this way? It will probably pass, I will turn in my first paper and it will be awesome and I will feel like I'm on the level with everyone else. But after being out of school for two years...I feel out of practice.

On the upside, had some good extended family time - we were celebrating the grandparents' belated 60th wedding anniversary. Pretty amazing, although I can't quite imagine spending that much time with one person. Not that I am a fan of jumping around - I have always been more of a penguin. And obviously marriage is a serious commitment, but after 60 years - you have been married for way longer than you were ever single. Pretty inspiring, since divorce is so prevalent and it happened to my family - made me pretty cynical about the whole love thing. But there is still hope, if both sets of my grandparents can stay married for 60 years - well, we will see about me.

Anyway, back to reading - got to get a little homework done before heading out to see Tropic Thunder tonight - looks like a pretty funny movie and hopefully it will live up to the hype.


Hill Billy Rave said...

"I can't quite shake the feeling that I am in way over my head"...
We at Appalachian Patria are behind you...All one of me.

pipsqeak said...

Thanks for the vote of confidence, App...and the update on my second favorite place in North Carolina (Wilmington will always be my first love).

I saw your man Barr on the Daily Show last night, he seemed like a pretty interesting guy. Although, I guess he is having a hard time getting on the ballet.

Hill Billy Rave said...

Wilmington! Wilmington! Ugh...Never been there. I'm not a coast person. I've never been to the coast of NC. I've been invited on a hunt down in Hyde County, but, I think I will skip this year.

Yeah, he's on in 38 states with lawsuits in others.

pipsqeak said...

Pfft, don't badmouth Wilmington till you have been. It's a good time. And north of their in some of the intra-coastal areas are some really good fishing and hunting. My grandfather and great-grandfather used to go to a place called Camp Bryan - about an hour inland from Havelock and Cherry Point. According to my grandaddy, back in the 40's and 50's there used to be a bunch of gators up there...pretty neat. What hunting is in season in August?

Hill Billy Rave said...

"don't badmouth Wilmington till you have been."...Yes Ma'am.

Hunting season in August? I believe some parts of the state have Bow season this early...Don't qoute me.
Qoute me...
No closed season on Wild Hogs(Except the five most western counties), Cayotes and Ground Hogs.

If you are reffering to the hunt I talked about it's a Bear Hunt later in the year. Allot of that country got burnt in the wildfire down there. I don't know if that will effect their plans or not.

pipsqeak said...

Coyotes...cute, little coyotes? Sad times, App. Hope the bear hunt works out :)