Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I had a really good joke, well more like a funny pun featuring the patella, but all I can remember is the punchline which rhymed with the main part of the joke and ended with patell-ya. Let me reassure you, dear readers, that it was hilarious when I thought of it during my forensics class. If I ever remember it, I'll post it. One can only hope it happens soon as punny little things and a good laugh is the only thing getting me through the last few weeks. That and massive amounts of caffeine (and a weekly dose of cinnamon role, which is being discontinued this week as being both expensive on my poor grad student checkbook and counter-productive to the healthy kick I've been working on - who knew you couldn't lose weight while happily diving into a cinnamon sugar mountain every Tuesday?)

On the bright side, I'm pretty competent at forensics. Good to know I've absorbed some knowledge over the past two years.

Thesis defense is the last Monday of this month. Praise the Lord and pass the Pillsbury.

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