Sunday, July 5, 2009


Back in Bangkok and spent tonight with a few people from the dig, including the awesome Thai grad students who helped our group move more smoothly among Thai society. They are amazing people who became our friends over the course of the fieldschool and I am sad to be leaving here and not know when I will see them again.

My little traveling group has seen some amazing things and there are still more stories from the past month that I need to post on, but for tonight I am just going to be sad that this adventure is just about over and that there are some amazing people who I have been fortunate enough to spend time with and get to know that I will be missing.


Hill Billy Rave said...

It looks like you've had a great time. Monkeys. curries, coke in a bag...It is a pleasure dealing with some of the politer societies.

Hill Billy Rave said...

I hope your alright. Happy New Years!